Lilianna Solnica-Krezel’s New Publication

Congratulations to Dr. Solnica-Krezel’s Lab on their recent publication! Loss of function of FAM177A1, a Golgi complex localized protein, causes a novel neurodevelopmental disorder Kohler JN, Legro NR, Baldridge D, Shin J, Bowman A, Ugur B, Jackstadt MM, Shriver LP, Patti GJ, Zhang B, Feng W, McAdow AR, Goddard P, Ungar RA, Jensen T, Smith […]

Lilianna Solnica-Krezel’s New Publication

Congratulations to Dr. Solnica-Krezel’s Lab on their recent publication! VPS13B is localized at the interface between Golgi cisternae and is a functional partner of FAM177A1 Ugur B, Schueder F, Shin J, Hanna MG, Wu Y, Leonzino M, Su M, McAdow AR, Wilson C, Postlethwait J, Solnica-Krezel L, Bewersdorf J, De Camilli P. J Cell Biol. 2024 […]

Dr. Aaron DiAntonio has received a three year $1,231,636 award contribution from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

Dr. Aaron DiAntonio headshot

Congratulations to Dr. Aaron DiAntonio! Aaron DiAntonio, Ph.D., Alan A and Edith L Wolff Professor of Developmental Biology, has received a three year $1,231,636 award contribution from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke beginning June 2024, for his project entitled “Regulation of axonal degeneration by the DLK kinase”

Dr. Thorold Theunissen has received a five-year R35 $2,729,025 grant award from the NIH

Congratulations to Dr. Thor Theunissen! Thorold Theunissen, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Developmental Biology, has received a five-year R35 $2,729,025 grant award from the NIH/ NIGMS beginning June 1, 2024 for his project entitled “Resolving epigenetic instability during pluripotent state transitions: a roadmap for exploiting the biomedical potential of dynamic human stem cell states”.

An article about Dr. Aaron Johnson’s research has been published by the Washington University School of Medicine

Congratulations to Aaron Johnson, PhD., Associate Professor in the Department of Developmental Biology and his lab on their research on the effects of brain inflammation on muscle function! From the article publish by the Washington University School of Medicine:“The study pinpoints potential targets for preventing or treating muscle weakness related to brain inflammation. The researchers […]

Dr. Elizabeth Pollina has received a three-year grant award from the Klingenstein Fund

Congratulations to Dr. Liz Pollina! Elizabeth Pollina, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Developmental Biology, has received a three year $300,000 grant award from the Klingenstein (Esther A. & Joseph) Fund beginning July 1, 2024 for her project entitled “Activity-dependent genome integrity in nervous system plasticity and disease”.