Aaron N. Johnson, PhD
Associate Professor of Developmental Biology
- Phone: 314-273-1834
- Email: anjohnson@nospam.wustl.edu

Research interests
Muscle development, regeneration, and disease

Education and Training
UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
Postdoctoral Fellow (Eric Olson lab)
Arizona State University
Doctor of Philosophy (Developmental Genetics)
Arizona State University
Ph.D. Biology (Developmental Genetics), August 2006.
Arizona State University
B.S. Biology, August 1998 (Summa cum laude).
Selected publications
- Yang, S. and AN Johnson (2023). The serine/threonine kinase Back seat driver prevent cell fusion to maintain cell identity. Developmental Biology, 495: 35-41. PMID: 36528051
- Yang, S., M. Tian, Y. Dai, S. Feng, Y. Wang, D. Chhangani, T. Ou, W. Li, Z. Yang, J. McAdow, DE Rincon-Limas, X. Yin, W. Tai, G. Cheng, and AN Johnson (2022). Infection and chronic disease activate a brain-muscle signaling axis that regulates muscle performance. biorxiv. 2020.12.20.423533
- Yang, S., Y. Du, J. McAdow, J. Trigg, P. Taghert and AN Johnson (2022). Spatiotemporal expression of regulatory kinases directs the transition from mitotic growth to cellular morphogenesis. Nat Comm, 13(1): 772. PMID: 35140224
- McAdow, J., S. Yang, T. Ou, G. Huang, MB Dobbs, CA Gurnett, and AN Johnson (2022). A pathogenic mechanism associated with myopathies and structural birth defects involves TPM2 directed myogenesis. JCI Insights, e152466 PMID: 35579956
- Ou, T., G. Huang, B. Wilson, JB Skeath, and AN Johnson (2021). A genetic screen for regulators of muscle morphogenesis in Drosophila. G3, 11(8):jkab172. PMID: 33993253
- Yang, S., A. Weske, Y. Du, J. Valera, and A.N.Johnson (2020). FGF signaling directs myotube guidance by regulating Rac activity. Development Feb 7;147(3): dev183624. PMID: 31932350