Aaron DiAntonio’s New Publication
Congratulations to Dr. DiAntonio’s Lab on their recent publication! The structure of NAD+ consuming protein Acinetobacter baumannii TIR domain shows unique kinetics and conformations Klontz E, Obi JO, Wang Y, Glendening G, Carr J, Tsibouris C, Buddula S, Nallar S, Soares AS, Beckett D, Redzic JS, Eisenmesser E, Palm C, Schmidt K, Scudder AH, Obiorah T, […]
Dr. Covey’s New Publication
Congratulations to Dr. Covey’s Lab on their recent publication! Natamycin interferes with ergosterol-dependent lipid phases in model membranes Akkerman V, Scheidt HA, Reinholdt P, Bashawat M, Szomek M, Lehmann M, Wessig P, Covey DF, Kongsted J, Müller P, Wüstner D. BBA Adv. 2023 Aug 25;4:100102. PMID: 37691996
Samantha Morris’s New Publication
Congratulations to Samantha Morris’s Lab on their recent publication! Single-cell lineage capture across genomic modalities with CellTag-multi reveals fate-specific gene regulatory changes Jindal K, Adil MT, Yamaguchi N, Yang X, Wang HC, Kamimoto K, Rivera-Gonzalez GC, Morris SA. Nat Biotechnol. 2023 Sep 25. PMID: 37749269
Mayssa Mokalled’s New Publications
Congratulations to Mayssa Mokalled’s Lab on their recent publication! Spinal Cord Injury and Assays for Regeneration Burris B, Mokalled MH. Methods Mol Biol. 2024;2707:215-222. PMID: 37668915
David M. Ornitz’s New Publication
Congratulations to David M. Ornitz’s Lab on their recent publication! Multi-organ phenotypes in mice lacking latent TGFβ binding protein 2 (LTBP2) Bodmer NK, Knutsen RH, Roth RA, Castile RM, Brodt MD, Gierasch CM, Broekelmann TJ, Gibson MA, Haspel JA, Lake SP, Koenitzer JR, Brody SL, Silva MJ, Mecham RP, Ornitz DM. Dev Dyn. 2023 Sep 9. […]
Thor Theunissen’s New Publication
Congratulations to Thor Theunissen’s Lab on their recent publication! 3D-cultured blastoids model human embryogenesis from pre-implantation to early gastrulation stages Karvas, R.M., Zemke, J.E., Ali, S.S., Sane, S., Dong, C., Fischer, L.A., Park, K., Upton, E., Wang, F., Park, K., Hao, S., Chew, B., Meyer, B., Zhou, C., Dietmann, S., and T.W. Theunissen (2023). Cell Stem Cell, 30, […]