Lilianna Solnica-Krezel’s New Publication
Congratulations to Dr. Solnica-Krezel’s Lab on their recent publication! Loss of function of FAM177A1, a Golgi complex localized protein, causes a novel neurodevelopmental disorder Kohler JN, Legro NR, Baldridge D, Shin J, Bowman A, Ugur B, Jackstadt MM, Shriver LP, Patti GJ, Zhang B, Feng W, McAdow AR, Goddard P, Ungar RA, Jensen T, Smith […]
Douglas Covey’s New Publication
Congratulations to Dr. Covey’s Lab on their recent publication! Ergosterol promotes aggregation of natamycin in the yeast plasma membrane Szomek M, Akkerman V, Lauritsen L, Walther HL, Juhl AD, Thaysen K, Egebjerg JM, Covey DF, Lehmann M, Wessig P, Foster AJ, Poolman B, Werner S, Schneider G, Müller P, Wüstner D. Biochim Biophys Acta Biomembr. 2024 […]
Dr. Thor Theunissen has received a four-year grant award from the Edward J. Mallinckrodt Foundation
Congratulations to Dr. Thor Theunissen! Thorold Theunissen, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Developmental Biology, has received a four-year $500,000 grant award from the Edward J. Mallinckrodt Foundation beginning October 1, 2024 for his project entitled “A stem-cell-based model system of human embryo implantation and its pathologies”
Dr. Shin Imai has received a five-year grant award from the NIH/ Aging Institute
Congratulations to Dr. Shin Imai! Dr. Shin Imai, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Developmental Biology, has received a five-year $3,069,167 grant award from the NIH/Aging Institute beginning June 1, 2024 for his project entitled“The intertissue communication between the hypothalamus and adipose tissue for mammalian aging and longevity control”
Dana Shaw, Ph.D., has received a two-year K99 Award from the NIH/NINDS
Congratulations to Dana Shaw! Dana Shaw, Ph.D ., Postdoctoral Research Associate in Mokalled Lab, has received a two-year $206,452 K99 Award from the NIH/NINDS beginning May 1, 2024 for her project entitled “Immune regulation of spinal cord regeneration”
Dr. Sam Morris has received a five-year grant award from the NIH/ NIGMS
Congratulations to Dr. Sam Morris! Sam Morris, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Developmental Biology and Genetics, has received a five-year $1,951,525 grant award from the NIH/ NIGMS beginning March 5th, 2024 for her project entitled “Decoding the Molecular Mechanisms Governing Regulation and Reprogramming of Cellular Identity”.