
Lila Solnica-Krezel, Ph.D.
The zebrafish is one of the premier model organisms for the genetic analysis of early vertebrate development, organogenesis and regeneration. It has also quickly established itself as an outstanding system in which to model human birth defects and diseases, including cancer. Studies performed on zebrafish have greatly enriched our understanding of the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying cell fate decisions and morphogenetic processes. Thus, studies of zebrafish mutants offer the dissection of disease mechanisms, and may also lead to novel regenerative therapies. Dr. Lila Solnica-Krezel’s laboratory is focused on cell interactions and movements that establish the animal body plan during gastrulation. Zebrafish research at WUSM is facilitated by the most modern Zebrafish Facility in the world and collaborative interactions with other researchers of the WU Zebrafish Consortium.